Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Classic baby needs: terry nappies are only the beginning!

Many people don't want to fill their homes with gaudy plastic things once a baby arrives.  Also, some people like TV character and Disney baby clothes and that's fine, but it's not everyone's style, it may not fit with your decor etc.  If you have a sense of traditional style, want to maintain a classic look or simply prefer the time-worn and better-for-the-environment old ways of doing things here are some ways to do it.  Also, these may make a good idea for baby shower gifts, something different from the latest craze of baby diaper cakes...

Thanks for the image, chatirygirl!

  • Terry nappies
  • Wooden high chairs
  • Thrifted clothes and handmade clothing
  • Toys made from wood or felt/cloth
  • Getting outside to play in nature instead of staying in the house and getting bored with the same old toys

Please keep tuned for more to come, I will be writing about many eco-friendly and traditional baby items in the near future!


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